Feedback about the Commission

We are committed to constantly improving and welcome feedback about our service.

If you have a complaint about us, please let us know using the contact options on our website. We will aim to resolve it quickly and fairly. If you are not satisfied with our service, or if you have a suggestion on how we can improve, please first raise your concern with the staff member who has been assisting you.

If this does not resolve your concerns, or you are not comfortable doing this, you can ask the person’s manager to handle your complaint.

You can also complain about the Commission to the Victorian Ombudsman.

Victorian Ombudsman
Level 2, 570 Bourke Street, Melbourne VIC 3000
Telephone: (03) 9613 6222, toll free: 1800 806 314 (regional only)

More information about how we respond to complaints is provided in our Complaints and Feedback Policy.
For an accessible version of the policy please click here.